2/23/2021 - Dawn of Blithe Spirit

Hello! I suppose this is the first real text post to this page. I'm still working out in my head what I want to do with this, how i want to organize it, etc... I doubt I'll consistently update. For now, this will have to suffice.

In life news, business as usual. I got back from my part time job at the ███████ today (though it is just after midnight, so maybe yesterday?). I need to order dietary supplements (vitamin C, D, fishy oils,) but fuck are they expensive. Hard to stay healthy these days, but I eat like shit and food is no place to skimp out on. I also need to get water in glass bottles. Everything else contains plastic (homo) or comes from the mystery suprise loot crate that is the tap/well.

Also, am writing this in notepad so I don't really care to go back and proof read if it sucks, lol.

It may be hard to understand anything I'm talking about ehre, I'm more or less just rambling.

Not much more I can think of to talk about now anyway. Cheers."

[Edit] I should also add some meta comment about the site itself. I'm thinking about adding a guestbook (for the two people who read this), but that may not come to fruition because I am a complete newbie with html and especially css.