I was perusing Neocities' recent updates and found myself at this page; https://macgyverrevolution.neocities.org/makeamericabetter.html
Being interested in peoples' ideas, I decided to read about it. Afterwards, I thought it was so interesting that I would go back and leave comments like a professor would.
Indeed, the following will be the entire page rewritten to include my comments, marked in red.
I don't like interacting with things of this sort very often as I don't wish to surrender my mindspace to daemons, so consider this a one off.
Make America [Even] Better UNSANITIZED
By focusing on the US in no way am I attempting to say that America is the best country on Earth, or that it's better than the others, or somehow more important [It is]. However, I live here, and I have been thinking deeply [Surely] about what American citizens can do to un-screw up the country. The past four years have been hell on Earth for me and I suspect for many of you [Stop watching the news]. Therefore, here are some actions that I know can improve it here:
- Above all think for yourself and question everything [Like me, the writer of this page!]. Groupthink is what got us into this situation. We do not need more of it [BLM btw]. I wish there was some way I could prove that thinking for yourself is less scary than not thinking for yourself but I can't quite grasp how yet, other than to tell you that it is [Rambling].
- Don't fall prey to the belief that America is dead or that its soul is gone forever [The government wishes you were dead]. Nope. It's in you. It's in me. It IS us [Waco seige 1993]. Even if you weren't born in America, if you believe in the ideals that are what constitutes America, then you are American [Untrue by definition]. America is not a place, a nationality, or something that was gifted upon you [Utter nonsense]. It is a mindset, a choice, and a dream that exists because we want it to exist and bring it into existence by embodying it [More nonsense]. Of course, this doesn't apply to Trump Nazis or antimaskers, damn them all [Groupthink].
- On that note, evict every antimasker and Trumpist from your life. Fire them from your businesses. Do not do business with them. Ostracize them, shame them, send them to prison, exile them, give them the boot [Go the extra mile and murder them like the cold-blooded reptile you are]! They are the cancer that took 500,000 valuable taxpayers from us in just one year. There is only one thing that could truly destroy this country, and that is if too many besides the antimaskers/Trumpists are complacent, tolerant, and turn the other cheek to their genocide [Kill yourself]. You're damn right this has happened before. Right before the Holocaust. The parallels are crystal clear. Don't screw this up. [People seem to think that Hitler rose to power over the course of a decade with absolutely no opposition at all. And why is the Holocaust the first thing that comes to mind? Why not the war that killed 3% of the world's population?]
- Continue to get your acquaintances, family and friends on board [with the cult of state], and vote [Does wonders for changing the status quo, as we have seen for the past 50 years]. I mean it - every year, for the rest of your life [Dedicate your existence to the state]. Actually research each local, state, and federal candidate first, and see where their money comes from [Jews]. Never hop on a name or a bandwagon without proper vetting [Vote btw]. Choose wisely. [The only winning move is not to play]
- Read local, state, federal, and international news from a variety of nonbiased news sources at least twice a week [Subject yourself to brain dissolving propoganda]. It is unwise to interfere with what's going on if you don't know what is going on [Case and point].
- Contact your elected representatives regularly, annoyingly, and persistently. Also contact your favorite businesses. Give them a piece of your mind so they change in ways that help the country, and you. [They will all put on a fake smile as they silently condemn you and your family to a life of pure hell. Better option is to whip out a snubnose]
- After the pandemic is over, protest. The Resistance will long outlast MAGA but it is important to show the whole world our true colors or they'll never trust America again. [Arabs have already seen America's true colors in the form of hellfire missiles and Israeli bullets]
- Among the things that will probably help to demand from elected federal and state representatives: every protection for ensuring our democracy is actually a democracy and not just pretending to be one, durable high-speed low-traffic infrastructure including transit/USPS/internet/shipping, a low-cost federal option for transit/internet/cell phone/health care service, JFK's consumer rights written into law (Consumer Bill of Rights) [Link adjusted], rights for essential workers, [Rambling noise removed for readability], integration of herbal medicine with allopathic medicine in law and regulation (much like China has done with Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated into its hospitals) [Look up bear bile], [More redacted shit], make NASA a federal agency again and invest in it [Flushing tax dollars down the toilet], every anti-corruption measure possible [You won't fix an irredeemably corrupted system through mere legislature].
- Among the things that will probably help to demand from city and local representatives: Increased funding for local libraries, collaboration of local libraries with local schools, bookstores, coffee shops, and universities, such as by lowering taxes for all of them if they put their buildings in proximity [More money burning]. Also commonsense infrastructure, adopting eco-friendly city landscaping methods [Look up Inner Mongolia sludge field], high-speed punctual regional and local transport, Tokyo-style recycling and city composting [Grorious nippon standards], and abolishing toll roads. No one likes toll roads [The government would burn you alive if it meant they could pocket your net worth].
- Boycott and shame crappy news, crappy companies, crappy businesspeople, and crappy businesses. Support the good ones [Support Jewish news, Jewish companies, Jewish businesspeople, and Jewish businesses].
- Invest in your own mental health. Learn about methods of maintaining mental health, find the best therapist or therapy book you can, work on it, don't give up. It is everything [Best piece of advice in this entire travesty, but this fellow probably agrees with administering antidepressents and amphetamines so it cancels out].
- [Section removed for redundancy]
- Seriously consider officially serving this country in some way, unless you're already an essential worker [Internet blogging is essential work]. The military and the National Guard are not the only options [Kill yourself for Israel]. There is also Americorps, the Peace Corps, volunteering at a local [scam] charity, and being a politician yourself [Selling your soul to evil incarnate].
- [More redundancy]
- Here are some charities [Link adjusted] if you want to see what you can get involved with. If you need help and can't give any, then definitely take a look. Who knows, maybe one can help you [Charities help nobody].
- Support people who are working on improving the world no matter where in the world they are, such as pro-zog demonstrators in Hong Kong [Shithole] and Russia [Shithole], and people working on the Green Belt project (Wangari Maathai's work) in Africa [Ultra Shithole]. Even if all you can do is signal boost it [Waste time helping people who hate your very being]. Decent people working together are stronger than decent people alone. Yep, this is the #ArmyOfTheDecent hashtag at work [Twitter is an extension of MK Ultra].
- Solidify friendships with people who live in other countries. Reach out to people you've lost contact with so they know you're there. To have a friend, be a friend, you know? [But silence dissenters]
- Define and defend your boundaries [borders, better yet], especially with toxic people [Toxic is pozzed language]. It is not somehow wrong to insist on your personal needs. Don't allow yourself to be walked all over and if anyone refuses to respect your clearly stated needs, cutting off all contact is the healthiest thing to do. [Also not bad advice, but this guy's definition of "personal needs" is likely homo]
- Do not hesitate to do what is right even if it is difficult. Turning the other cheek is not always the right thing to do. Obviously, neither is vicious intolerance. Strive for wisdom. [Hylics will never be enlightened]
- Strengthen your spiritual foundation, no matter what that is. Atheism counts [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA AH AH AH AH HAH HAHA HA H A HA HA HA HA HA HA AH HAAHAHAHAHA]. Nihilism counts [FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU]. Buddhism counts [UTTERLY UNLIKE AFOREMENTIONED, ALSO BUDDHA WAS MALE CHAUVINIST BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT CUNT]. Doesn't matter, as long as it works for you. I will say this, however: if you lack compassion in your religion, you're probably doing it wrong [NIHILISM IS ABSOLUTELY COMPASSIONLESS FUCKING IDIOT]. As a matter of fact, I've studied a whole bunch of religions - Witchcraft (that's mine) [FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT], Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, even Shinto [GRORIOUS NIPPON ATHEIST ETHNORELIGION] - and the whole point of all of the aformentioned is to make your heart grow three sizes, Grinch [READ TALMUD, READ QURAN]. I'm saying that to myself as well here because I have an anger problem [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA].
- [Section removed for promoting Twitter psyop]
- [Ditto]
- [Even more redundancy]
- Do what you can to become a better person yourself. I'll be doing that in the coming years, and if you and a lot of other folks do it too, we're going to see a broad-reaching impact. Even if you and me are the only ones, at least we'll see a positive impact in our own lives from our efforts so it's still worth it eh? [Die]
Assuming every comment and edit was -1 point on the test, this comes out to 21%.